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About us

Where families stay, travel and find warm places better together


The idea started couple of decades ago when one of the Co-Founders started his school of Engineering masters degree and one of the projects were on building automated systems for internet of things to connect people, places, objects and things together; like the IoT or IIOT as we call it nowadays.

Welcome to our team

MNP – My New Place (MyNPlace) is a U.S. 🇺🇸 based corporation founded in California by Silicon Valley engineer and entrepreneur that has traveled the world on business and leisure and wanted to offer everyone around the world the opportunity to enjoy new places, and earn during your vacations from your places. My New Place is the next-generation platform you can rely on.

We are pleased to introduce our team whose main objective to find every family the place they need to reconnect, chill and enjoy precious unforgettable memories together. We aim for our customers to list their places for streaming new income. See More details below and thank you for choosing our secure economic platform MNP – My New Place.

MNP Team

CEO & Founder (Coming Soon updates)


(Coming Soon updates)


(Coming Soon updates)


MyNPlace, the place to be

Transform the look of your space and make it feel and look brand new again. List it here now.